8 ways to personal development for entrepreneurs

Personal development is key to any form of success. For an entrepreneur looking to succeed in any business, it is important to prioritize personal development. This will give the entrepreneur an advantage especially over competitors. In this age when the time has become very limited, it's getting more difficult for entrepreneurs. Some blame this on lack of time. But if you are really serious about being a successful entrepreneur, take time to develop yourself.
Afropreneur has compiled eight attributes you can learn and are guaranteed to improve not only you as a person but your business too:

  1. Set goals: Setting goals should be the lifeblood of your business. There are three types of goals namely short term, medium-term and long term goals. Now, you have to know which of your goals are short term or long term and classify them accordingly. Once you have set your goals, make sure they are written down somewhere you will be able to see them regularly. Set a reminder if you have to so that you may be reminded about your goals. However, setting goals is not enough but you also need a goal monitor to check whether your goals are being met or not. And lastly, your goals should be well articulated, they should make sense and must be achievable. Don't make goals like, 'to go to the moon in three days time' because you know that won't be achievable in this era. Finally, your goal should be time-bound, meaning that know when it is likely to be achieved. 
  2. Manage time: There are 24 hours in a day and this may appear to be so much time but when you are running a business, time flies. So, manage your time smartly. Have a time planner even if it is the old fashioned type where you have to write. Put up a time table if you can and have it where you will be able to see. The time table should state exactly what you will be doing at a specific time. Though people often say, 'time is money', it is actually far more than money because it is hard to replace so manage it carefully. If you realize that you won't be able to do certain tasks, delegate them.
  3. Take care of your body: When your health deteriorates, it becomes difficult to run your business and this could result in it collapsing. So take care of your body and health in general. One way you could take care of your body is through constant exercise. Join a health spa or gym where you will monitor your body. Regular exercise means that your blood flow will be regular and this can contribute good health. Eat well too. By eating well, I mean, mind your diet and make sure you eat healthy foods. 
  4. Expand your network: Grow your network. A network means that you are surrounded by people or acquaintances who may play a role in the growth of your business. A good network may include people from various walks of life. People who can help you nature your business into something bigger. If you run a business which is client-oriented, you can also use your network to cultivate a good clientele. 
  5. Have a mentor: Who is your mentor? A mentor is an experienced and trained advisor who gives you constant insight. The mentor can be someone you have known for yours or it could be someone you recently connected with. In this era of internet technology, you may even have a mentor who is thousands of miles away but you constantly communicate. Whichever way, get a mentor who will give you positive advice on your business.
  6. Stop procrastinating: If there is one bad behavior that destroys many entrepreneurs, it's procrastination. Many people do not really know why they procrastinate. It's just a bad habit they have developed without knowing why they do it. When you procrastinate, you literally throw away time. Time wasted is never. One way to avoid procrastination is to have a time table for your activities and stick to it. Know when it is time to attend to clients, know when it is time to meet your suppliers if you have any and know when it is time for personal errands. 
  7. Read, read, read: Reading a book can be pretty hard if you have a busy schedule but find time to do it. Reading not only improves your mind but it makes you more knowledgeable and gives you an edge. When you read books, you are disciplining your mind to research. However, reading should not just be specific to books but you can also read magazines or newspapers and stock up on current affairs. Read business books too. 
  8. Acquire a new skill: Acquiring new skills should be part of your daily life. As your business grows, you will be required to learn certain skills that may be necessary for your business. So find a way to learn new skills. This may include skills such as a better way to communicate. You may also learn public speaking or just a new skill such as painting. Well, some skills may not directly contribute to your business but personal development is essential for your success. 


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