8 habits of the filthy rich
Why is there a difference between the filthy rich and the poor? Why does one person become rich from doing one thing and another remains poor doing the same thing? Is there is a formula for failure and another for success?
Or, do the rich know something that the poor don’t?
These are questions that have been asked since time immemorial.
Dan Lok, a wealthy entrepreneur and founder of the High-Ticket Closer™
Certification Program explains the unique differences that separate the two. In
one of his public speeches, Dan Lok explains seven differences but here is
- Reading: When did you last read a book? If you can’t
remember, the chances are that you are poor. This is one huge difference.
Poor people love to watch TV. For sure, nothing bad with TV, there is a
lot to learn there but too much eating takes away that important time you could use to educate yourself
by reading books that will help change your life. It’s so much easy to
read these days because you can even get electronic copies.
- Rich people get paid on results, poor people on time: Let
me give you this example, think of someone who designs a product so that
he could sell it. Now, no matter how many hours he spends designing that
project, if no one is interested in buying it, he won’t get paid. But if
the product goes viral and everyone loves it, he will generate millions of
dollars from it. This is not the same with someone working at let’s say
KFC and is paid by the hour. Do you see the difference? Let's say we're
working on a product.
- Blaming others: One thing
poor people are excellent at is blaming others. Rich people take the blame
for their actions. If they fail, they go to a mirror and talk to the
person in the mirror-like the one who failed and then move on for the next
plan. So, take responsibility for your actions. Do not blame others. Poor
people blame everyone. They blame their parent, their brothers and
sisters, their bosses, their spouses or children except themselves. They
even blame the economy for their failures. Or the city they live in. Rich
people are always in charge. They gain power by taking the blame if their
actions fail.
- Investing vs saving: Rich
people are always investing. Poor people are always saving. There is a
huge difference. Poor people will deny themselves all the fun just so they
could save little bucks. Instead of flying first class, they will fly
economy to save a few extra bucks. Well, rich people invest. Instead of
saving the little that you earn, you need to do things that will earn you
more money and instead of saving it, invest it.
- Poor people have a know it all attitude:
They have all the knowledge yet it does not work for them. They are always
opinionated. If you are driving and they are the passenger, poor people
will tell you how best to drive. Rich people don’t pretend to know it all,
they are always learning by asking questions. They always want to tell the
world about their opinions. They are humble and willing to learn.
- Poor people think money is
the root of all evil: Rich people say, “Poverty is the root of all evil”.
Look at it this way, money is neutral. Its power lies in the hands of the
beholder. One person can have the same amount of money and will become a
millionaire while another will remain poor.
- Poor people have a lottery
mentality while the rich have an action mentality. What does this mean? It
means that for some, becoming rich is like buying a lottery ticket. They
are not sure whether this would work. They sit and wait for it to happen.
But, their dream of becoming rich remains a fantasy. Rich people always
say, “I’m gonna make it happen”.
- Rich people know when to
quit. Yes, it’s okay to quit certain things. While the poor have a
mentality of never quitting even when something is not working. That is
insanity. Insanity is when you keep doing the same thing and hope that you
will get different results.
So, these are the differences. You can also begin to live your dream. It
is not meant for a select few to be wealthy. Anyone can become super-rich and
enjoy their life. Travel the world or play that role that you have always
wanted. Here is a plan of action that you could take and see how this can
change your life. Do it now, click here.
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