Top industries that can turn you into a millionaire

So, you want to be a millionaire. Yes, you have seen this many times on the internet. Same question, over and over. Maybe, you even tried some of the suggestions but failed to make even $100.

Well, you are not the problem. Okay, maybe partly, you are the problem.

The real reason is that you probably chose the wrong industry. Here is an opportunity to discover yourself. 

What if I told you that there are about nine industries you could tap into. Anyone of these industries can turn you into a millionaire.

Before you read further, just to let you know that I first heard about this from Dan Lok. Dan is one of the world's foremost experts in marketing, sales, and business. He was already a millionaire by age 27.

These industries have not just made millionaires but billionaires too.

So, here is what he said:

1.     Financial services: This basically means the management of money or even money lending. Or managing people’s assets. How do you think banks make their money? This service includes loan associations, insurance companies and brokerages. Just by handling people’s money, you can make lots of it for yourself too. Do you know any billionaires in the financial industry?

2.     Technology: This sounds very obvious right? Yes, it is obvious. Look at companies like Google, Apple or even Microsoft. Find ways of how you can venture into technology. If there is one industry that is always evolving, it is the technology industry. Think of giant companies getting into Artificial Intelligence (AI). How did they come about? They saw an opportunity.

3.     Healthcare: Obviously, nothing is so important than life. Without life, all these other industries won’t matter anyway. For life to continue existing, good health is essential. Health is a big industry. Look at how many health products are sold on the internet. Can you think of any?

4.     Real estate and construction: Do you know of anyone who does not really need shelter? Of course not. Well, this is because all the about eight billion people on this planet need shelter. It is predicted that by 2050, there will be about 10 billion people on this tiny planet. So yes, more people will need real estate. This means that the construction industry will continue to boom.

5.     Education: They say, “We learn until we die”. So education will continue to exist. There are many types of education in every wall of life. Whether it is for religious or scientific purposes, education plays a major role. This is a multi-billion industry. As technology evolves and our health needs change, we will still need more education. After all, knowledge is power.

6.     Entertainment: Now, all work and no play make Jack a dull boy right? So, entertainment is just as important as education. This industry fuels all the industries you can think of. It is the lifeblood of our very existence. Think of companies like Amazon, Netflix. These are big on entertainment and they make billions of dollars out of it.

7.     Transportation: Now, who doesn’t love travelling? Transportation is a huge industry. Think of all these companies that sell products online. How do their clients get the products? Yes, you guessed right. It is through courier services and this is called transportation. Think of the airline industry. All that is transportation. Human beings love travelling and they are willing to spend millions of dollars on it. Other forms of transportation opportunities include shipping.

8.     Energy: we have energy, especially renewable energy. This is a huge industry. Industry number eight, energy, especially renewable energy. Think of it this way. Look at the number of people on this planet. They all need energy. We need to produce food, clothing and many other services. This requires energy.

9.     Food: Imagine a world without food. It is an essential part of our lives. Food is life. This is probably the biggest industry because whichever field we work in, we at some point have to get together to eat. Also, this includes health foods such as supplements.

That’s it. Now, the role you have to play is to find out which industry suits you.

I am going to put a like below of how you can discover yourself so that. This will help you to choose the exact industry that suits you. Click this. Go ahead, click here.



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